51+ PGSharp (Free) Activation & License Keys (May 2024)

Are you looking for the working PGSharp Activation & License Keys for free? If yes, your search journey has come to an end. Today, in this guide, we’re going to share a list of genuine PGSharp activation and license keys.

By using these keys, you can use PGSharp Standard Edition without spending a single penny. 

PGSharp (Free) Activation & License Key 2023

Are you an avid Pokémon GO player and now looking to take your gaming experience to the next level by spoofing your actual location? Then PGSharp is a must-have tool for you. 

PGSharp offers both free and premium subscription plans. The free version provides basic functionality, while the premium subscription unlocks additional features and benefits. 

In this article, we will share a list of genuine license keys for PGShrap Premium Edition. We will also share how you can activate it for free by using the PGsharp Activation Key Generator.

What is PGSharp

PGSharp is a powerful software tool designed specifically for Pokémon Go players who wish to spoof their location. You can play POGO in one place by spoofing your location; you don’t have to move to any location physically.

By spoofing, players to explore different regions, catch rare Pokémon, participate in events, and access exclusive content without physically traveling to those locations. 

PGSharp is widely recognized for its user-friendly interface, reliable performance, and extensive features that cater to the needs of both casual and dedicated players.

Key Features Of PGSharp

PGSharp is a popular tool used by Pokémon GO players for location spoofing, allowing them to change their virtual location in the game. Here are some of the key features of PGSharp:

  • Location Spoofing

The primary feature of PGSharp is its ability to spoof the player’s location in Pokémon GO. Using PGSharp, players can simulate their GPS coordinates, making the game believe they are in a different location.

This feature allows players to access Pokémon, PokéStops, Gyms, and events in various regions without physically being there.

  • Ease of Use

PGSharp is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface that makes it accessible to experienced and novice players. 

  • Advanced Spoofing Options

PGSharp offers advanced options for location spoofing, giving players more control over their virtual movement in the game.

Players can set specific coordinates, simulate walking or driving routes, and adjust movement speed to replicate realistic travel patterns within Pokémon GO.

  • Anti-Detection Measures

PGSharp implements various measures to help prevent detection by Pokémon GO’s anti-cheat systems.

These include techniques to mask the spoofing process and ensure that players can enjoy the benefits of location spoofing without the risk of being banned from the game.

  • Enhanced Pokémon GO Experience

By utilizing PGSharp’s location spoofing capabilities, players can enhance their Pokémon experience in several ways.

They can access Pokémon that are region-exclusive, participate in events happening in different locations, and explore new areas without the need for physical travel.

  • Compatibility

PGSharp is designed specifically for Android devices, providing a seamless experience for Android users who want to engage in location spoofing in Pokémon GO.

It is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of the game and to address any potential issues.

It’s important to note that while PGSharp offers these features, it’s crucial to use the tool responsibly and under Pokémon GO’s terms of service.

Players should be mindful of fair play and respect the integrity of the game to maintain a positive gaming experience for themselves and other players.

PGSharp Free vs Paid Features Comparison

Although PGSharp offers a free version, too, there are several restrictions and some basic features in it.

In the PGSharp free version, you can’t use Spawn Booster, Quick Catch, Spoofing Location, Gift Assistant, and many more features.

If you want to know about all the features you’re going to access with PGSharp PRO, have a look at the below table-

Features Free Standard
Enhanced Throw
Auto Feed Pinap
Inventory IV
Nearby Radar
Quick Sniper
Cooldown Timer
Pokemon Feed100IV Only
Raid Feed
Custom GPX (Route)
Spawn Booster
Quick Catch
Quick Load Map
Block Non-Shiny
Skip Cutscenes
Name Generator
Remember Pokeball
Compatible With Go Plus
Virtual Go Plus
Raid & Gym Battle Assistant
Gift Assistant

Also Read: Warp Activation Keys

PGSharp Free License Keys (Updated on- May 2024)

So now, you’ve come up to your favorite section, “PGSharp Premium Free Activation Keys.” We’ve shared many genuine and working keys for PGSharp.

We have collected these keys from various forums, channels, and other social media platforms. These keys are 100% working and up-to-update. 

  • 963E3FE2-CCE5-4172-8A44-D7898657F900
  • 3D556B9D-6277-4A53-93F0-42F86DE20657
  • B08537FA-AFBF-4CCD-A022-9A56B707AB62
  • AC87EC5C-96C4-434E-88D8-AA7754C290CA
  • N915726S-GRLM-UZAF-5UBB-56148PTFTURB
  • AC87EC5C-2204-434E-88D8-AA7754C290CA
  • A2EE7705-447E-486A-9891-C243FAD74F1B
  • EFE9A848-8211-40E3-8541-7D67D9E1BC1E
  • 530EC893-4440-4D24-AB64-C5009920F3F0
  • B70733EE-6B4E-4882-85B6-8F02066C76BC
  • 3360D22C-FEB1-4129-9D6A-4E5FA7E0A981
  • B04437FA-AFBF-4CCD-A202-9A56B707AB62
  • XDF9A848-8211-98E3-8541-7D67D9E1DF1E

Also Read: Wattpad Premium Free Account

Free PGSharp Activation Keys 2024

Here are some other PGSharp activation keys, in case the above-shared keys don’t work-

  • XDF9A848-8211-98E3-8541-7D67D9E1DF1E
  • N915726S-GRLM-UZAF-5UBB-56148PTFTURB

How To Activate PGSharp For Free

Now that you have the PGSharp active serial keys, the only thing you’ve to do is to activate PGSharp.

The process of activating PGSharp using PGSharp activation keys is pretty straightforward.

If you’re a new user of PGSharp or don’t know how to activate it, fret not! We’ve got you covered.

We’ve shared an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process to activate PGSharp right below.

  • Follow all the steps carefully to activate the PGSharp standard edition for free.
  • Download and Install the https://www.pgsharp.com/ on your device.
  • Open the PGSharp app on your Android phone.
  • Next, Go to the “Settings” and click on the “Activate” button.
How To Activate PGSharp
  • Copy one of the PGSharp activation keys that work and paste it into the provided box.
  • Finally, hit the OK button.
  • That’s it; now you can access all the PGSharp Standard edition features.


So that’s about it! We hope you’ve successfully upgraded your PGSharp to the premium edition. We’ve also shared how you can activate PGSharp with the help of the given PGSharp Activation keys.

If you’ve any queries regarding this post, let us know in the comment section. We’ll try to sort it out as soon as possible. 

Philip is a technology enthusiast and blogger. He write about Android phones, PCs, and other tech-related topics to help others. He also provide helpful tips and advice in my blog posts.

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